Escola de Osteopatia de Barcelona (EOB)


Name of representant
Montse Serra
Escola de Osteopatia de Barcelona (EOB)
Item sets

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Items with "presented at: Escola de Osteopatia de Barcelona (EOB)"
Title Class
Changes on Lassegue Test after osteopathic manipulation in low back pain and herniated disc. Case series
Chapman's neurolymphatic points in patients with upper respiratory tract allergy: a descriptive-comparative study
Chapman’s reflexes Points of gastritis, dyspepsia and hiatus hernia as a diagnostic tool of gastric diseases.
Chondromalacia Patellae in sportsmen: Craniosacral Treatments vs. Structural Treatment
Chronic low back pain by talus dysfunction. Pain assessment, baropodometric and stabilometric study, pre and post adjustment
Comparation between a visceral technique vs a structural technique in the total rotation of the right hip in appendectomied patients by open surgery
comparative study of costs for whiplash treatment, between physical therapy and osteopathy
Comparative trial between treatment with Total Body Adjustment and exercises on CORE muscles in back pain. A clinical trial
Comparison between cranium-sacrum versus osteopathic manipulative treatment in nonspecific chronic low back pain. Quasi-experimental study.
Congenital Torticollis: analysis of osteopathic approach based on professional experience
Cranial technique in tentorium cerebelli: analysis of its effect on the orthostatic balance
Decompression of thoracolumbar junction: changes in the center of gravity projection
Decreased stress perceived by the diaphragms. Single-blind clinical trial, stratified randomization
Defecation frequency (DF) in a population that visit an osteopathic clinic. Epidemiological study
Depressive symptoms of osteopathic patients with chronic pain. Transversal study
Diaphragm treatment for the gastroesophageal reflux symptom in patients with hiatal hernia
Direct manipulation technique of the stomach (pylorus) to improve joint mobility of dorsal spine in “sidebending”
Dolor d'espatlla dreta en pacients adults amb hepatocarcinoma. Estudi transversal
Dynamic osteopathy of the pubis in elite athletes: apropos of 2 cases and review of the literature
Dysfunction of ninth thoracic vertebrae diagnosis in non professional runners. A pilot study.
Efect of BLT technique in a Patellofemoral Sindrome
Efectiveness of visceral osteoapthic treatment to decrease back pain in patients with an herniated disc. A experimental study
Efectiveness of osteopathic manipulative treatment on the quality of life in patients with orthodontics. A observational study
Efectiveness of the osteopathic treatment on benign nodular thyroid disease
Efects on high velocity thrust of C2-C3 in patients with cervicogenic headache. A pilot study

“Escola de Osteopatia de Barcelona (EOB)”, Osteopathic Research Web, accessed September 21, 2024,