A comparison between the effectiveness of acupuncture, graded exercise therapy and cognitive behavioural therapy in the management of patients with chronic fatigue; a structured literature review.


A comparison between the effectiveness of acupuncture, graded exercise therapy and cognitive behavioural therapy in the management of patients with chronic fatigue; a structured literature review.
Piper, K
Background: Chronic fatigue syndrome is described as a disease of profound fatigue, cognitive dysfunction and sleep abnormalities. Cognitive behavioural therapy and Graded exercise therapy are established treatment options. Acupuncture is an upcoming area of research however further research is required to establish the comparable or superior effects to CBT and GET before guidelines could be updated and acupuncture can be offered to CFS patients. Objective: The objective of this review was to critically analyse literature of regarding the research question; A comparison between the effectiveness of acupuncture, graded exercise therapy and cognitive behavioural therapy in the management of patients with chronic fatigue. Design: Structured literature review Methods: A systematic search applying Boolean logic was performed on PubMed, Google Scholar and Cochrane Library between September and October 2019. A total of 333 search results were filtered based on inclusion/exclusion criteria. Relevant data was then tabulated before a methodological quality assessment was performed using the Downs & Black check list or Strength of recommendation taxonomy (SORT) scoring system dependent on study design. Efficacy was then investigated by a measure of change. Results: 15 eligible studies were reviewed. A total of 8,550 participants were included aged 78-12 years old. Interventions reviewed included AC, CBT, GET and derivatives. The Downs & Black checklist found 6 studies were scored “fair” while 5 were scored “good”, yet internal validity bias was low for all studies. Discussion: Results interpretation was challenging while direct comparison was not possible due to differing methodology heterogeneity, lack of blinding and differing quality of evidence with resultant validity levels. Future research should implement double blinding wherever ethically possible in addition to utilisation of larger sample sizes using objective outcome measures. Conclusion: CBT, GET and AC are found statistically significant in improving the symptoms of fatigue in CFS patients. It was not possible to conclude on clinical significance or comparable effectiveness due to the inability to make direct a comparison and lacking standardised procedure. Differing heterogeneity, validity levels, quality scores and blinding procedures must be addressed in future research before the research question can be answered confidently.
Date Accepted
Date Submitted
28.10.2020 18:08:19
Submitted by:
Chronic fatigue syndrome, Literature review, Graded exercise therapy, Cognitive behavioural therapy, Acupuncture.
Item sets

Piper, K, “A comparison between the effectiveness of acupuncture, graded exercise therapy and cognitive behavioural therapy in the management of patients with chronic fatigue; a structured literature review.”, Osteopathic Research Web, accessed May 6, 2024, https://www.osteopathicresearch.org/s/orw/item/173