Url https://www.osteopathicresearch.org/s/orw/item/2313 Title A quasi-experimental clinical essay, pilot study, a comparation of the postural changes before and after Total Body Adjustment and the technique of the Three Diafragms in healthy adults Creator Ortega Canet, Ana Subject body adjustment; diaphragm Type osteo_thesis Identifier 15605 Language Spanish Alternative Title Ensayo clínico cuasiexperimental, estudio piloto, comparación de los cambios posturales pre y post "total body adjustement" y técnica de tres diafragmas en adultos sanos Medium ana_ortega.pdf.pdf Date Accepted 2015 Date Submitted 16.11.2015 13:14:31 Owner 84 Presented at 1483 Status 0 Identifier 1049 Number of pages 61 --