Url https://www.osteopathicresearch.org/s/orw/item/2460 Title Can osteopathic treatments improve the symptoms and the frequency of Chronic Tension-Type headache (CTTH)? A randomized controlled trial. Creator Dirk Koralewski, Michael Kothe, Claudia Schröter Subject Headache, Chronic Tension-Type, Osteopathic Treatment Type randomized_controlled_trial Identifier 15177 Language German Alternative Title Können osteopathische Behandlungen die Symptomatik sowie die Häufigkeit des chronischen Spannungskopfschmerzes verbessern? Randomisierte kontrollierte Studie. Date Accepted 2012 Date Submitted 26.12.2012 14:20:16 Owner 102 Presented at 1492 Status 0 Identifier 1231 Number of pages 0 --