Overview and Comparison of the educational possibilities offered in Austria in the section craniosacralic osteopathy


Overview and Comparison of the educational possibilities offered in Austria in the section craniosacralic osteopathy
Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den verschiedenen Bildungsmöglichkeiten im Teilbereich craniosacrale Osteopathie. Im Vordergrund steht das Ziel, einen Überblick über das Angebot zu schaffen und einen Vergleich herzustellen.
Unter Verwendung von Kriterien aus wissenschaftlicher Literatur aus der Bildungsforschung und aus Checklisten, welche von deutschen und österreichischen Instituten für Erwachsenenbildung veröffentlicht wurden, werden die zur Zeit auf dem österreichischen Gesundheitsmarkt anzutreffenden Kursangebote (ohne Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit) gegenübergestellt und verglichen.
Anhand der generierten Kriterien sind die Bildungsmöglichkeiten aufgrund hoher Heterogenität nicht miteinander vergleichbar.
Der Schutz des Begriffes, die gesetzliche Anerkennung des Gesamtkonzeptes der Osteopathie und die Regelung der Ausbildung unter Einhaltung vorgegebener Qualitätsstandards könnten das Herauslösen und Vermarkten einzelner Teilbereiche der Osteopathie verhindern und so auch die Transparenz auf dem österreichischen Bildungs- und Gesundheitsmarkt verbessern.
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Date Accepted
[_H2_]Study Design[_/H2_]
[_P_]The aim of this paper was to draw a survey of the professional, advanced training programs for osteopathy, specifically for Cranio Sacral techniques and treatments in Austria. The information and literary presented in this paper has been gathered from various legal institutions from the Austrian and German educational health care market and their present courses offered including the latest updates and details. The focus was to give a detailed overview and comparing the present, in Austria, high quality training programs and studying opportunities with all its differences and similarities.
To date, the Austrian law sees no legal form of regulation for osteopathy. [_/P_]
[_H2_]Outline/Problem Definition[_/H2_]
[_P_]Is it possible to present a comprehensive overview and comparison of all current existing professional training programs for craniosacral osteopathy in Austria, as the section craniosacrale osteopathy is extracted from the total concept osteopathy and is marketed separately. Osteopathy is not seen as an official method of treatment within the Austrian health system. It is neither legally recognized nor regulated in Austria.[_/P_]
[_H2_]Research Question & Objective[_/H2_]
[_P_]Which institutions offer an advanced or continuing education in the section craniosacrale of osteopathy in Austria?
In which sections do these training programs differ based on scientific literature and various legal institutions from the Austrian and German educational health care market?
Are the different training programs comparable with each other?
[_P_]1. Only a low percentage of the surveyed suppliers hold a certification.
2. The generated quality criteria with the different offers can only be compared partly, because a high heterogeneity exists in its implementation.
[_P_]1. Selection of the suppliers

The selection of the suppliers was decided according to the following inclusion criteria:
1.1 Current availability of the course offer on the Internet.
1.2 The title or the description must contain the word [_/P_]
[_P_]The educational possibilities in the section craniosacrale of osteopathy in Austria differ concerning the course costs (irrespectively whether total expenses or costs per day) and the period of training and education intensity. The course contents show an immense difference. As a result the single courses are not comparable with the generated quality criteria and a clear heterogeneity has been discovered.

[_H2_]Critical Reflection/Perspectives/Conclusions[_/H2_]
[_P_]The legal recognition of the osteopathy in Austria (as a whole from structural, visceral and craniosacrale osteopathy), the protection of the concept [_/P_]
[_H2_]Additional Information[_/H2_]
educational possibilities; craniosacralic osteopathy; comparability; heterogeneity; transparency; Austrian health market
Date Submitted
1.6.2011 21:12:30
Alternative Title
Überblick und Vergleich der in Österreich angebotenen Bildungsmöglichkeiten im Teilbereich Craniosacrale Osteopathie
number of pages
Berthold Leo
Item sets

Berthold Leo, “Overview and Comparison of the educational possibilities offered in Austria in the section craniosacralic osteopathy”, Osteopathic Research Web, accessed May 16, 2024, https://www.osteopathicresearch.org/s/orw/item/2894