Osteopathy and its effects on frequency and severity of exercise induced anaphylactic symptoms?


Osteopathy and its effects on frequency and severity of exercise induced anaphylactic symptoms?
Die Studie befasst sich mit der Frage, ob Osteopathie das Auftreten und die Ausprägung allergischer Reaktionen bei Belastung beeinflussen kann. Dabei stellt sich die Frage auf welche Weise die Osteopathie dieses Krankheitsgeschehen verändern kann. Bewirkt sie auch eine Veränderung der Leistung und wie äußert sich eine Verbesserung oder Verschlechterung der allergischen Symptome?
Als methodologisches Studiendesign wurde eine Einzelfallstudie im A-B-A Design gewählt. Die Studie dauerte achtundzwanzig Wochen, wobei die Behandlungsphase mit zwölf Wochen festgesetzt wurde. Als objektive Messparameter wurden die Spiroergometrie, der Haut-Prick- Test, eine In vitro – Untersuchung und die Spirometrie in Ruhe ausgewählt. Zur häufigeren Belastungsmessung wird wöchentlich ein Harvard – Step Test durchgeführt. Mit Hilfe der Visuellen Analog Skala sollen die subjektiven Werte der Allergiesymptome objektiviert werden. Zur wiederholten Messung der Reagibilität der Lunge wurde eine tägliche Heimmessung mittels Peak-Flow Meter herangezogen.
Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Osteopathie in diesem Fall signifikanten Einfluss auf die Häufigkeit und Intensität allergischer Reaktionen unter Belastung hat. Es wurde auch eine Veränderung der Leistung beobachtet. Einflüsse aus Umgebungsfaktoren, Wetterlage, Stress und Krankheitsgefühl als auch Allergenkontakt konnte ebenfalls nachgewiesen werden. Die Messungen der Lungenfunktion zeigten eine Stabilisierung der Werte, die allerdings mit einer Verschlechterung der Atemkraft einhergingen. Positive Einflüsse konnten im Bereich der Augen, der Atemwege und des Magendarmtrakts beobachtet werden, die allergischen Reaktionen der Haut präsentierten dagegen eine signifikante Veränderungen in Form einer Intensivierung. Allgemeine Reaktionen waren zu selten, um sie beurteilen zu können. Die allergischen Beobachtungen der Belastungstests zeigten aufgrund der geringen Messdaten keine signifikanten Veränderungen.
Als Conclusio der Studie lässt sich die Tendenz erkennen, dass Osteopathie Einfluss auf das allergische Krankheitsgeschehen nehmen kann. Um eine generelle Aussage treffen zu können, müssten die Ergebnisse durch weitere klinische Studien bestätigt oder widerlegt werden.
Kremser Stefanie.pdf
Date Accepted
[_H2_]Study Design[_/H2_]
[_P_]This study is a single subject design divided into three phases. The first phase of observation (BOPH 1) lasted about eight weeks. Following phase 1, a phase of treatment (BHPH) started and lasted twelve weeks. Then the second observation phase (BOPH 2) started with a duration of eight weeks. [_/P_]
[_H2_]Outline/Problem Definition[_/H2_]
[_P_]Every fourth European has allergic problems ? in Austria as well ? and if all food intolerances are included more than a half of Austrian people suffer from allergies. The patient of this study had exercise induced anaphylactic symptoms for more than ten years. This exercise induced anaphylaxis (EIA) is characterized by flushing, generalized pruritus with urticaria, a feeling or suffusion of warmth and upper respiratory problems in form of obstruction and cardiovascular collapse in association with exercise or physical activity. It is not easy to provoke allergic symptoms of EIA because sometimes the physical activity is also tolerated. Due to the enhanced popular commitment to physical fitness through exercise this special kind of illness with allergic symptoms occurred more frequently in recent years. Another interesting finding was the statement that allergic patients often ask for complementary medicine treatments.[_/P_]
[_H2_]Research Question & Objective[_/H2_]
[_P_]The basic goal of this research is whether osteopathy has an effect on frequency and intensity of exercise-induced allergic reactions. Though the natural history of exercise-induced allergic symptoms is not really understood it is very interesting in which way osteopathy can influence this disease.[_/P_]
[_P_]Null Hypothesis 1: There are no differences in the frequency of occurrence of exercise induced anaphylactic symptoms between the phase of treatment (BHPH) and phases of observation (BHPH 1 & 2).
Null Hypothesis 2: There are no differences in severity of exercise induced anaphylactic symptoms between the phase of treatment (BHPH) and phases of observation (BHPH1 & 2).
Null Hypothesis 3: There are no connections between the frequency of occurrence and the severity of exercise induced anaphylactic symptoms and consumed food, kind of exercise, weather, and time of day or location of training.
Null Hypothesis 4: There are no changes of exposure parameters like heart rate, VO2max, O2Sat and peak flow measurements in the course of the study.
[_P_]The measurement procedures are divided into three chapters. One spectrum is the allergic diagnosis via the Skin-Prick-Test, the RAST and the pulmonary function test (spirometry). Furthermore, in case of exercise induced anaphylaxis there is a base of exercise testing via ergospirometry and Harvard-Step-Test. The last one is the diary documentation measured using Visual Analog Scale (VAS) and peak flow metry. With help of a Visual Analog Scale the patient noted her allergic symptoms. Additionally, she documented her exercise program including the duration, subjective stress feeling, heart rate, and her ingested nutrition every evening.[_/P_]
[_P_]Results represent a tendency that osteopathic manipulative treatment has a significant influence on the frequency of occurrence and the intensity of exercise induced anaphylactic symptoms. Some findings in literature are reflected in the diary documentation and there are also distinct and significant influences of trigger factors on the results. Measurements of the pulmonary function show a stabilization of the standard deviation of the peak exspiratory flow connected to a significant reduction of mean peak exspiratory flow. Osteopathy has a positive influence on allergic reactions affecting the eyes, the respiratory tract and the gastrointestinal tract. Allergic reactions on the skin are significantly increased. General reactions also show significant changes but as a consequence of a low amount of data this fact is not meaningful. Nevertheless, an influence of osteopathic treatment to the parameter of physical exercise testing cannot be confirmed. [_/P_]
[_H2_]Critical Reflection/Perspectives/Conclusions[_/H2_]
[_P_]Due to significant and distinct positive effects of osteopathic manipulative treatment it is not possible to correlate this single subject design study to the general public. To prove or to disprove these results more research in this field has to be carried out.[_/P_]
[_H2_]Additional Information[_/H2_]
exercise induced anaphylaxis, allergy, exercise testing pulmonary function
Date Submitted
30.5.2011 22:02:03
Alternative Title
Kann die Osteopathische Behandlung das Auftreten und die Ausprägung allergischer Reaktionen bei körperlicher Belastung beeinflussen?
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Kremser Stefanie
Item sets

Kremser Stefanie, “Osteopathy and its effects on frequency and severity of exercise induced anaphylactic symptoms?”, Osteopathic Research Web, accessed May 15, 2024, https://www.osteopathicresearch.org/s/orw/item/2898