Osteopathic philosophy in comparison with other spiritual philosophical sytems


Osteopathic philosophy in comparison
with other spiritual philosophical sytems
Feiel-Schmidt Gerlinde
Chapter 1 – Introduction
The questions relevant to osteopathy are: Are there any comparable philosophies in osteopathy and other philosophical concepts of humanity. Furthermore, it was meant to find out explanations in different philosphical systems of humanity for the osteopathic work on more sublte levels as CSO, somato-emotional release and visceral techniques.

Chapter 2 - The discrepancy between two world views
A comparison between the materialistic-rational world view and the mainly Eastern spiritual-holistic world view. Osteopathy as a spiritual and holistic concept can be assigned to the second one.

Chapter 3 - The philosophical background of A.T. Still and contemporary influences on the foundation of osteopathy
Still was in touch with many spiritual movements of his time, which reinforced him. Movements sprang up in the 19th century, that had a spiritual approach such as Spiritualism, Mesmerism, ..

Chapter 4 - Philosophical systems that show parallels to osteopathic philosophy
For example the Hermetic teachings of ancient Egypt and Greece: This ancient teaching bases on the same principles as ostepathy: The principle of Mentalism, the principle of Correspondence, the Principle of Vibration, the Principle of Polarity and the Principle of Rhythm and the Principle of Cause and Effect.

Chapter 5 - Basic principles of osteopathy and their parallels to different philosophical systems of humanity
The Breath of Life: It can be associated to the old Tibetan teachings about cosmogenetic processes, where we often find the principle of an Universal Breath of Life. It can also be correlated to prana of Hinduistic philosophy, to Qi of Chinese philosophy, to Nephesch of Jewish philosophy.
The original matrix of Jealous can be correlated to the Eastern teachings about ether and the chacras.
Dynamic Stillness is found in almost all cultures as origin of all life and being. It is an omnipresent eternal, borderless and unchangeable space. In Hinduism for example this principle is called Brahman.
The pineal gland is related in Eastern teachings to the ability of mental seeing and the third eye.

Chapter 6 - Conclusio
Many quotations of Still and Sutherland support ostopathy as a holistic and spiritual concept. Many elements of the philosophy of osteopathy are also found in different cultures and religions of humanity such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Hermetic philosophy, ancient Greek concepts and Egyptian religion.
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Date Submitted
1.1.2002 00:00:00
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Feiel-Schmidt Gerlinde, “Osteopathic philosophy in comparison with other spiritual philosophical sytems”, Osteopathic Research Web, accessed May 15, 2024, https://www.osteopathicresearch.org/s/orw/item/3043