Does a visceral treatment have an effect on the parietal system? A Case Study using the example of the arthritic hip and the pelvic organs


Does a visceral treatment have an effect on the parietal system? A Case Study using the example of the arthritic hip and the pelvic organs
Wirkt sich eine viszerale Behandlung auf das parietale System aus? Eine Studie am Beispiel der arthrotischen Hüfte und der Unterbauchorgane
Gosch Daniela
Study Design
This is a randomized controlled clinical trial.

Problem Definition
According to Statistic Austria (2009) in 2007 15.694 Total Joint Replacement Surgeries were made at the hip joint. In comparison, there were 14.701 Knee Joint Replacement Surgeries.
The improvement of the conservative therapy could delay this step for prevention of surgical treatment with a total hip and possibly sustain the patients’ hip longer.
The aim of this study is to investigate whether osteopathy can have an impact on the hip joint by working at the abdominal organs of the pelvic. To investigate a viscera-somatic influence, the mobility of the hip is measured before and after a visceral osteopathic intervention.

Research question and hypothesis
The research question on the topic reads as follows: Is it possible to improve the mobility of arthritic hips with visceral osteopathic techniques, which maintain to mobilize the abdominal organs?
This implies the following hypotheses:
Null hypothesis: The mobility of the arthritic hip cannot be influenced by mobilization of the pelvic organs.
Alternative hypothesis: The mobility of the arthritic hip can be changed by means of mobilization of the pelvic organs.Methodology
To answer the research question above, a randomized controlled clinical trial is chosen, with a controlled assignment to a treatment and a non-specific treatment.
50 probands (n=50) diagnosed with arthritic hip are chosen for this purpose.
People as probands to be included in the study have a clinically and radiographically diagnosed osteoarthritis in one hip. After the randomized allocation to an experimental group and a control group, the internal and external rotations of both hips were measured in the prone position with a goniometer. This is followed by a visceral osteopathic intervention or a sham treatment. The experimental group (n=25) receives a diagnosis-based treatment of the pelvic organs, while the control group (n=25) receives a non-specific treatment. Following this, the second series of internal and external rotation is measured in the prone position.

The potential interaction "experimental condition" and "time" was determined by univariate analysis in the left hip (F1,48=3,45, p=.069). During the intervention, the mobility of the left hip of the experimental group improved significantly from the first to the second time of the measurement (p
Laut Statistik Austria (2009) wurden im Jahr 2007 15.694 Totalendoprothesen am
Hüftgelenk implantiert. Im Vergleich dazu sind es 14.701 Kniegelenksendoprothesen.
Die Verbesserung der konservativen Therapie zur Prävention könnte diesen Schritt
der operativen Versorgung mit einer Totalendoprothese womöglich verzögern und
dem Patienten das eigene Hüftgelenk länger erhalten.
Ziel dieser Studie ist es, zu untersuchen, ob die Osteopathie einen Einfluss auf das
Hüftgelenk haben kann, indem an den Unterbauchorganen gearbeitet wird. Durch die
Messung der Beweglichkeit des Hüftgelenkes vor und nach einer viszeralosteopathischen
Intervention soll eine viszero-somatische Beeinflussung untersucht
Als Probanden werden Personen in die Studie aufgenommen, die eine klinisch und
radiologisch diagnostizierte Arthrose in einem Hüftgelenk haben. Nach der
randomisierten Einteilung in eine Experimental- und eine Kontrollgruppe wird die
Innen- und Außenrotation beider Hüftgelenke in Bauchlage mittels Goniometer
Danach folgt die viszeral-osteopathische Intervention. Die Experimentalgruppe
(n=25) erhält eine befundgestützte Behandlung der Unterbauchorgane, während die
Kontrollgruppe (n=25) eine unspezifische Behandlung erhält. Im Anschluss an die
Behandlung (spezifisch/unspezifisch) erfolgt die zweite Messreihe der Innen- und
Außenrotation in Bauchlage.
Die Ergebnisse der multivariaten Varianzanalyse für die Hüftbeweglichkeit ergaben
einen hoch signifikanten Haupteffekt „Zeit“ (F2,47=12,25, p
Date Accepted
Date Submitted
13.12.2010 10:49:43
Number of pages
Submitted by:
Daniela Gosch_deut_KZFengl_1.12.pdf
Item sets

Gosch Daniela, “Does a visceral treatment have an effect on the parietal system? A Case Study using the example of the arthritic hip and the pelvic organs”, Osteopathic Research Web, accessed May 17, 2024,