Url https://www.osteopathicresearch.org/s/orw/item/422 Title Changes in chronic low back pain after osteopathic manipulation of the fourth thoracic vertebrae. A pilot study Creator Pérez Riquelme, Fiorella; Ramos Alcazar, Miguel Angel; Andreu i Tort, Gisela Subject low back pain; thoracic vertebrae Type osteo_thesis Identifier 16135 Language Spanish Alternative Title Cambios en el dolor lumbar crónico mediante manipulación osteopática en cuarta vértebra dorsal. Estudio Piloto Medium perez_riquelme.pdf Date Accepted 2016 Date Submitted 28.5.2018 18:03:24 Owner 62 Presented at 1483 Status 0 Identifier 1049 Number of pages 58 --